Saturday, September 25, 2010

Chillax, Come Down..... A Sound Unsound Compilation

Chillax, Come Down....

Sound Unsound just released the awesome mash-up compilation digital album, Chillax, Come Down.....

As the title suggests, it's filled with music that you can chill and relax with. Containing 23 chill tunes produced by various mash-up/remix producers, you will also find one chill tune produced by me...

Northern Half Life

Northern Half Life
Imogen Heap - Half Life
Enigma - Northern Lights
Running Time: 5:24

You can preview my track using the player above.

If you want to download the track for your music library, you'll have to download the digital albums from the people at Sound Unsound using the links found on the following Chillax release postings (fyi, my track is on Disc One, but you'll want both awesome discs):

mARKYbOY Mash Ups: Chillax, Come Down

Groovey Time with DJ Useo: Sound-Unsound's CHILLAX Come Down

You can also visit Sound Unsound to get more details about the album release.